Historic Sotterley

Point Of Interest

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44300 Sotterley Lane, Hollywood, Maryland

(301) 373-2280





The Historic Sotterley is a National Historic Landmark and UNESCO Slave Route Site of Memory, that is a remnant of an almost 6,000 acre plantation farm with an interpreted history dating back to the turn of the 18th century. It was a site of slavery for 165 years and was home to the sixth governor of Maryland. Today, it consists of almost 100 acres of breathtaking beauty on the Patuxent River with over six miles of nature trails, Colonial Revival Gardens, and over 20 historic buildings. Visit the Manor House that had its beginnings in 1703 and has undergone many changes and additions over time, as well as the only surviving original 19th century Slave Cabin, which illustrates the lives of many St. Mary's County people from the mid-1800s into the early 20th century.

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Lat: 38.376108 Lng: -76.540179

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