Siltcoos Sand Camping Access
Has not been rated.
Campsites here are dispersed along the coast and right on the dunes. OHV trails can be accessed from the camp. 4WD access is required because of the soft sand. There are no water, restrooms or fire rings in this camp, make sure you have everything you need.
Camping fee is $10 a night.
Lat: 43.880967 Lng: -124.149324
User Reviews

The pay station for this area is located on Siltcoos Beach Road. Sand camping permits and maps of the area are available at this station.

Natl dunes, dispersed sand camping. 3 campgrounds 1/4 mile away with water. Be aware cars are broken into in this area. But you can camp right on the beach.

Siltcoos Sand Camping sites are located directly on the sand, dispersed along the coast and the Siltcoos River. Access is by 4X4 on soft sand only. No drinking water, restrooms or fire rings; please bring all necessary equipment including water, portable toilets and fire pans