Salt Creek Falls Observation Site and Picnic Area

Point Of Interest

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Salt Creek Falls is Oregon's second highest single drop waterfall, as it cascades 286 feet. Visitors can climb up to the observation platform at the top of the waterfall - 50 yards from the parking lot. The platform is wheelchair-accessible with railings that accommodate wheelchair sight-lines, but the trail towards it is not wheelchair-accessible due to numerous stairs. There's a loop gravel trail (Salt Creek Falls Trail #3673) with interpretive signs that offers a short hike with multiple vantage points along the canyon rim. To access the viewpoint, visitors can park at the Salt Creek Sno-Park and walk 0.4 miles along the road to the falls.

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Lat: 43.611864 Lng: -122.127831

User Reviews


User 62984

286 ft falls, 2nd huggest in Oregon. Only short easy walk from parking area. Pets allowed on leash. Also connects to many hiking trails and a walk decending down the falls with great views. Very powerful during snow melt


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