Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park
5 from 1 users
Visitors in this park can explore the Tennesse River Folklife Interpretive Center and Museum. It features the lifeways of the people in the area, several videos on the park history, Civil War history, and a gift shop.
It has 2 campgrounds, Happy Hollow and Lakefront. Happy Hollow camp has 37 sites with tables, grills, water and electric hookups. It has a playground, dump station, and bathhouse. Lakefront campground has 13 primitive campsites with a central restroom. There are also 5 backcountry campsites in the park and a few cabins.
Camping fee is $9 to $30 a night. Cabins' cost starts at $98 a night.
Lat: 36.083087 Lng: -87.985435
User Reviews

User 49621
GREAT place to visit.